The official mobile application of Beşiktaş is online. Do not miss any developments about Besiktas! You can find the most accurate and fastest news, latest news, transfer news, exclusive interviews, photos and videos and all the information that black-and-whites will wonder about Besiktas.
* You can get breaking news with instant notifications.
* You can comment on the news.
* You can share content on different platforms.
* You can use it anytime and anywhere.
* You can review the news in different categories.
* You can save the news to your screen in the app to read it again later.
Besiktas supporters who gained great interest in the Agency Besiktas, more than the news site, news and information, mainly as a "content platform" serves Besiktas. It enables its followers to reach developments in both web and mobile environments and social media at the same time. There are more than 1,500 content published every month.